Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tucker is 4 months old!

Tucker had his 4 month check up last week and he is a healthy baby! He is in the 98% for height and weight. 19 pounds and 25 inches long. He rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time right in front of his parents! Tucker is a happy baby, giggling and smiling a lot! Tucker truly is enjoying life!

Harvest 2011

The boys had a blast during harvest this year. Carson went out every morning and rode in the combine with Papa Alan. Tucker would hang out at the farm and go with Grandma Bonnie to take the lunches out to the field. Carson is still playing harvest with his toy combine and truck.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Carson went to VBS for the first time with Teacher Kelly and Teacher Sally! He had so much fun playing, singing, crafting, making new friends, and learning about GOD! He is still singing his VBS songs and talking more about God. Carson and daddy read the jr. bible 400 pages in 4 days during VBS week!

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Woodland Park Zoo with the Balzers

On Saturday we met up the Balzer Family for our annual trip to the Woodland Park Zoo. Carson was excited to introduce Tucker to them and I think Aspen was excited too because she has a baby brother Easton who is 6 months old. We saw lots of animals and even got to feed the giraffes and birds!

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Blueberry Picking

Carson is 3 years old!
Carson and Tucker with their friends Mallory and Avery.

I think Tucker is wondering how T-bone (Carson favorite dog) got in the picture?!?!
Tucker is 3 months old!

We went blueberry picking with our good friends Mallory and Avery. It is so much fun having friends so close in age to Carson and Tucker! The kiddos did a good job picking the blueberries...I think we need to go back for more!

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