Friday, July 24, 2009

Ocean Shores

My mama and I drove to Ocean Shores to see my dad who was auditing the Quinault Casino. The hotel was right on the beach so mama and I got to play while dada worked.

Fun in the sand at Ocean Shores.

Practicing writing my name in the sand...just kidding! My mom write it then I scribbled detail around my name!

Enjoying the view of the waves crashing on the shore.

I went swimming but wasn't too sure of the water so my parents think I might need to take some swim lessons.

Playdate at Whatcom Falls!

Posing on the rock with my friend Lily!

Hold on Lily! vroom-vroom!

Having fun playing with Lily while her brother just hung out and watched us...he is a really good baby! I can't wait until Sam is bigger so we can all play together.

Holvander Farm

My Aunt Jen stayed with us for one week this summer and we went to the farm.

I saw a bunny....

and one of my favorite animals (because I am really good at saying it) a duck!

Checking out the red barn.

Looking at the horse, donkey and goats with mama.

Gobble-Gobble! Look Aunt Jen a turkey!

I don't get why they call me a turkey we don't look anything alike?

Fairhaven Fountain Fun

Wow this is a huge drinking fountain.

Playing in the water!

Suck my tummy in.

Playdate with Nicky!

After the fountain fun we went out for ice cream.


More ice cream please!

Toddler Bed

Well I learned how to climb out of my crib so my parents freaked out and decided to buy me a toddler bed.

Helping dada put my new bed together.

Night-Night! I had to sleep in my toddler bed for 4 nights then my crib tent arrived so back to the crib until I figure out how to get out of that thing.

4th of July

Playing on the deck at the cabin.

Sneaking sips of water from Aunt Jen.

Sitting on the back of the boat with mama.

My friend Vaughn and I trying to escape:)

Playing with Vaughn in our 4th of July t-shirts.

Throwing sand with dada. Always a fun activity!

Just the boys hanging out.

Driving the boat with dada.

Hanging out with Grandma Bonnie in the front of the boat.

Every year I always seem to fall asleep and they always put me under here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day, Dada! I love you so much!
Bringing Dada his Father's Day presents.

Dada is opening the present from me. He said he really liked it and took it to work to hang on the wall so he can think of me while he is at work.

I made the world all by myself for the best dad in the world.

Helping Dada open up more presents.

June 2009

I am learning more and more words daily. I love this transportation puzzle and know most of the names of each vehicle..."boat"
Ah, found the sail boat.

This is my favorite vehicle "bus".
So proud of myself for completing the puzzle.

Corn on the cob is my favorite vegetable right now. I mimic my mama when she touches it and says "hot" then I wait until she gives me the okay to eat it...yummy!

Howdy partner!

Helping mama sweep the floors in my pjs.

I love to listen to music and scarf dance.

The best part is when my mama and dada cover me in scarves.

Scarf dancing is so much fun!