Thursday, June 30, 2011


Tucker was snuggling in Carson's bed with him before nap time. So precious!

Tucker Smiling at 7 weeks!

Summer Swim Lessons

Carson has really enjoyed swim lessons this year. He took Preschool 1 and did so well he went right into Preschool 2. It so fun to watch him learn how to swim and learn so quickly.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hovander Park Play Date!

Carson, Tucker, Mallory and Avery....sibling love!

Carson and Mallory feeding the animals!

Carson feeding a goose!


Tucker has been enjoying his swing outside on sunny days!
Our little peanut!
6 weeks old!

Play Date!

Yummy! Root Beer Floats with Carson's friend Mia.
Lori putting Tucker to sleep....zzzzz!

The "Greats" came to Bellingham!

Great Grandma Lil came to Bellingham for the first time to visit her great grandsons!
Carson and Daddy playing in the pool at the hotel!
Mommy and Tucker watching the boys swim!
Auntie Great Brenda came to visit her nephews!
Everyone watching Carson swim!
Grandma Bonnie and Papa Alan with the boys!

Tucker always along for the ride!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Everett Children's Museum

Carson taking care of the rat.

Looking at a squirrel's x-ray.
Doing a little dance on stage!
Fireman Carson to the rescue!
Tucker going along for the ride!
Playing music on the rooftop of the museum with Grandma Bonnie!
Carson's favorite was the water station.
Mommy and Tucker watching Carson on the tractor.
In the luggage compartment of the airplane.
More water fun!

Swim Lessons!

Blowing bubbles during swim lessons!
Proud mommy, daddy and little brother watching Carson swim!
Jumping right in!

Trail Walk to Feed the Ducks!

On a walk with Grandma Bonnie!
Feeding the ducks!
Carson, Tucker and Mommy at the Rock Garden!

Tucker is One Month Old!

Tucker Bug!
Tummy time for Tucker!
Grandma Bonnie the baby whisper....Tucker loves to be held like this!