Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Today I went to my friend Lily's house while my mom and dad went to work. I wasn't too sure about my costume but toughed it out wearing it off and on throughout the day. My dad picked me up early from Lily's so I went home and took a nap to get ready for trick-or-treating at my dad's work. I had a fun time!
I also went to Amber's house to see her and Carole. They had a special treat for me in the pumpkin...a bib and baby crackers...Thank You! I really enjoyed taking the candy out of the pumpkin and trying to eat it but my mom kept putting it back which I didn't like.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

StoneyRidge Farm

In the Corn Maze with mom and dad. It was so muddy that we found a secret way out.

So much to look at...apples, pumpkins and scarecrows.

Looking at the animals with daddy. I liked waiving at the animals especially the horse and donkey.

I'm almost 30" tall this fall!

Thank you Grandma Bonnie, Grandpa Alan and Aunt Jen for a fun time at the pumpkin patch. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun Photos

Go faster daddy!
I had so much fun with Mia last Friday. We have a lot in common we both like grilled cheese sandwiches, we both like to put things in our mouths and we were both born in January just 4 days apart.
Look out! I'm climbing everything!
Taking a break from playtime for a yummy bottle.
I also enjoy climbing the stool, it's the perfect height to put my mouth on.

Gumball Machine

Sorry this is kind of long, my mom got a little carried away. Last month my dad took a day off and stayed home with me and taught me how to put the gumballs in the top and pull the lever on the side to make the balls come out. I finally decided to cooperate and do it for my parents when they had the camera rolling.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Family Photos

On Saturday, my parents and I had some family photos taken by Faith Photography at Bloedel Donovan Park near our house. It was a beautiful day and there were lots of dogs at the park to watch! I'll have my mom post more pictures this is just a sample Laura emailed us tonight.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 Months Old

I am 9 months old today! Here I am a week ago playing in the leaves near Barkley...I love fall! Everything is much more fun now that I am getting older. My favorite things to do are click my tongue, play chase and peek-a-boo, pull myself up, clap, scoot around, play with toys and look at books!